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Economic Development
to support and grow
your local businesses


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Platform & Solutions

Business Database & Insights

A comprehensive list of your local businesses, industry sectors, employee sizes, and more, immediately at your finger tips.

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Business Retention & Expansion

Tracking your BR&E efforts can be simple and delightful. Powered with automated tracking, direct communication, and analytics to boost business engagement and tell your story.

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Business Attraction

Prospect and project tracking to manage your workflow and showcase your impact. 

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Workforce Development

Manage and engage with your local employers. Promote local jobs and create opportunities for your local talents.

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Bludot Directory: Public-Facing Business Directory

Promote your local businesses and give your residents and visitors a one-stop place to see what your community has to offer.


Open Rewards: Shop Local Rewards Program

Incentivize your consumers to shop local! 

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Case Studies

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Trusted by 200+ communities across 30 states 

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As featured in

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Economic Development Manager
Takoma Park, MD

I was on a video call with several businesses recently when someone mentioned the Bludot Platform. They said, "Bludot has been really helpful for the city to share resources with us." Immediately, I was very happy to hear that the businesses felt they had a connection to the City of Takoma Park, and that we've been invested in their success during this challenging time.

Supercharge your Economic Development

with specialized tools made just for you

Ready To Get Started?

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