Over 85% of users have indicated that Open Rewards has positively influenced their decision to shop local


Earn rewards no matter how they paid
Credit card, debit card, cash, are all supported, ensuring an inclusive program for all members of your community.

Digital and non-digital payout methods
Whether Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, or check, each consumer can select their preferred method to receive the rewards redemption.

Redeem rewards in your community
Give consumers the flexibility to use their rewards in a variety of businesses in your community,
keeping the dollars local.
for CITy admins

Zero administrative overhead
No need to pound the pavement to enroll businesses
No need to administer rewards manually
Everything is handled by the app!

Fraud detection
App is already built, adding your city is instant
Just let us know which businesses are eligible and your city will be live!

Fast launch
App is already built, adding your city is instant
Just let us know which businesses are eligible and your city will be live!

Data and
Data dashboard giving you insights on where people are shopping and the impact of your investment

Zero administrative overhead
No need to pound the pavement to enroll businesses
No need to administer rewards manually, all rewards earnings and redemptions are handled by us

Fraud Prevention
Extensive, industry-leading algorithm to protect your program from fraud

Fast Launch
App is already built, substantially reducing time to launch
We will load your city's eligible businesses to the app and set up their profiles, such as photos and hours!

Data and Impact
Data dashboard giving you insights on where people shop and the impact of your program
Loved by your community

Bludot is building technology solutions for local economic development. In fact, Bludot was born out of a 16-week partnership inside a city hall. In the last few years, we have been expanding our platform with the singular mission to empower local economic development in small-mid sized communities.​
Trusted by 200+ communities
For Businesses
For Cities